5 Facts About Lice
Back-to-school season almost always means new clothes, new teachers and new friends for school-age children. So what do you do when you realize that these new friends have shared their toys and their head lice with your child? First take a deep breath and learn these 5 facts about lice:
1. Lice infestations are not related to cleanliness; in fact, lice prefer clean heads.
2. Lice move by crawling – they can’t jump or fly.
3. Pets do not transmit lice.
4. Lice do not transmit any diseases.
5. Head lice are very common and spread almost always by head-to-head contact
And before you pull out the heavy-duty cleaning supplies, know that lice usually die within 2 days and nits (lice eggs) cannot survive at temperatures other than that of the human scalp (CDC.gov).
As you can see, there’s no need to panic if you get that unfortunate note from the teacher. However, they are a nuisance that won’t go away until you get treatment. There are many over-the-counter products available or you can consult one of our physicians for the most effective treatment options.
If you have any questions about lice, please call us today at 865-690-9467. Skin health is an important part of total body wellness. Schedule an appointment with one of our board certified physicians in Knoxville to get your skin the care it needs so it can reach its fullest, healthiest potential.