Knoxville Dermatology Group > How to Care for Your Feet During Sandal Season

How to Care for Your Feet During Sandal Season

April 27th, 2017
By Knoxville Dermatology Group


Take care of your feet – they take you everywhere you go. Especially with sandal season coming up, here are some precautions you can take to avoid common foot problems.

Corns and calluses develop from repeated friction on the skin. Keeping your toenails trimmed and wearing properly fitting shoes can prevent them from appearing. If you already have some, soak them in warm water and gently file with a pumice stone.

Athlete’s foot is very common and comes from walking barefoot in moist places like a pool deck or locker room. It results in itchy, cracking skin on the soles or in between the toes. Athlete’s foot can be prevented by keeping your feet dry and protected – wear sandals on moist grounds, wear socks that dry quickly, and avoid closed shoes when it’s hot outside.

Blisters seem inevitable, but they don’t have to be. Blisters come from chafing of body parts or clothing on the skin. They can be prevented by preventing the chafing that causes them. Applying petroleum jelly or powder to the chaffing area, wearing moisture-wicking clothing and soft bandages are good precautions. If you develop a blister, leave it alone. Cover it in a loose bandage so it is protected and able to breath. Most blisters heal after about two weeks.

Stay one step ahead of your feet this summer. Call (865)690-9467 to book an appointment with a dermatologist if you have questions about foot care.

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