Dandruff – the White Flakes You Don’t Want to See this Winter
Winter brings a lot of woes our way – colds and sore throats, escalated heating bills and snow-pocalypses. But one woe that hits even closer to home is dandruff. These flakes unfortunately don’t bring a day off of work, but they are easy to treat.
Dandruff is actually a common condition characterized by an itchy scalp and white, oily-looking flakes. The condition can worsen during the winter months because of the lack of humidity in the air and indoor heating. Dandruff can occur any time of the year, depending on a variety of factors, so getting it taken care of this winter will have you ready when spring blooms begin to appear.
It’s typically associated with dry skin, but irritated and oily skin encourages dandruff more by creating a buildup of dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Buildup can be caused by excessive product usage or even infrequent washing. Diet and age can have a major influence on dandruff’s severity as well. Adding more zinc and vitamin B to your diet should help. Our physicians are a great source for feedback when dealing with skincare changes. With proper treatment, the only white flakes you’ll see this winter are the ones outside for making snow angels.