Knoxville Dermatology Group > 4 Ways to Prevent Signs of Aging

4 Ways to Prevent Signs of Aging

January 20th, 2015
Knoxville Dermatology Group

Advertisers sell skincare products by promising “youthful, vibrant results”. But it often takes drastic measures and lots of time and money to reverse any visible and invisible damage to your skin. The best solution is prevention, so your Knoxville Dermatology team pulled our top 4 ways to prevent the signs of aging.

First and foremost – limit direct exposure to the sun! The sun’s rays can damage your skin’s DNA, causing cells to deteriorate and shrink. This makes skin look haggard and lifeless, the opposite of youthful and vibrant. Try to avoid the sun’s peak hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If it is unavoidable, then cover your exposed skin with a sunscreen of at least an SPF of 30. Wearing hats and long-sleeves helps, but the sun’s rays are powerful! It’s better to lather sunscreen on your face, neck, arms and hands (the parts of your body that show signs of aging first) daily to prevent any damage.

Smokers, this one’s for you. The toxic chemicals in smoke cause wrinkles to occur sooner and run deeper in your skin, particularly your face. Smokers also tend to squint more to avoid getting smoke in their eyes. That excessive squinting causes crow’s feet and bags to form around your eyes. So let’s make 2015 the year to put down that pack and invest in some quality skincare.

Alcohol poses another threat for young looking skin. Excessive drinking deprives your skin of necessary nutrients. Instead, those nutrients get derailed to fight off your hangover and filter the alcohol from your blood stream. Drinking excessively can also lead to poor diet choices, which leads us to our next point.

What goes inside, shows on the outside. Your skin, like the rest of your body, needs to be fed proper nutrients in order to perform at its best and look healthy. Skin already has to battle natural exposure to the sun and constantly repair and regenerate itself (fun fact: you lose almost a million skill cells in a day). Don’t make it fight against itself from within too! A diet rich with vitamins and antioxidants is important for healthy looking skin. Also drink the daily recommended amount of water each day to keep your skin and other organs running smoothly. (Before any diet changes, please consult your doctor.)

Beautiful skin is possible at any age, and these tips will help you achieve your timeless glow!

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